Random: What If Kevin Durant Wins A Ring Before LeBron James?


LeBron James has been fighting the demons. He’s been hearing it since he was in Cleveland. “Phenomenal player, but can he deliver on the ultimate stage – in an NBA Finals?” Well, we got that answer didn’t we. LeBron James – Take Two: South Beach. Same demons, same questions. LeBron’s biggest problem right now is he’s so damn good. When you are 40 points, 18 rebounds and 9 assists good, people expect the ultimate success. MVP trophies are nice, but they don’t exactly fit on your finger.

The LeBron James comparisons to Magic, Jordan or Kobe has lost some steam, primarily because in the NBA (more so than in the NFL or MLB) we judge legacies based on championships. The pressure to join this exclusive fraternity has been mounting for years. Who stands in his way right now? A wanna be tough guy in Danny Granger? An aging Celtics team with no low post game? (Although, if the Heat don’t get back Chris Bosh, put the Heat in that same category). Out West right now the team on cruise control and the potential biggest threat to LeBron’s mission is the San Antonio Spurs (winners of 18 games in a row….read that line again. 18 GAMES IN A ROW). However, what if LeBron and the Heat get to the NBA Finals and draw the young and talented Oklahoma City Thunder team led by Kevin Durant. Now imagine if LeBron lost.

LeBron James has spent the better part of a decade chasing a dream, trying to shake off the haters and the doubters. Could you imagine the pain, the humiliation, the frustration if Kevin Durant in almost half the time (5th season) ends up not only getting a ring first, but does it at the expense of ‘King’ James?! You want to talk about the moving parts of an NBA list of current greats being reshuffled. Mr. James, could you please step aside and let Mr.Durant through? Ummm, Mr. James I’m sorry, you’re not at the Champions Table at tonight’s dinner, you are at table 12 in the back. Just look for Mr. Barkley and Mr. Ewing.

Which franchise is better positioned to win titles over the next few years? This year, certainly the Thunder have a tougher road (Mavericks, Lakers, Spurs), however, they are fully loaded and healthy, unlike the Heat who have been battling without Chris Bosh. If both teams can survive and end up in the Finals, it would make for some compelling television. Humble vs. Hollywood. The quiet contract extension vs made-for-TV ’Decision’. My gut tells me most of the haters out there will root for Kevin Durant to get his championship first. If LeBron does lose to Durant, we might just see a shake up in Miami. Whether it’s the team’s core or the coach. It will be back to the drawing board for Mr. James. Same demons. Same questions.

via global14.com

Posted on May 22, 2012, in Random, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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