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Nicki Minaj In Guardian Magazine




In the interview Nicki dishes on everything from her childhood and style to her name change and going against the boys.

From where did all these characters come?

“My head.” How would she describe her head? “Crazy, always going, never stops.”

Is she a fan of Roman Polanski?

She giggles, and says she had heard of him, liked the name, but no, she hadn’t seen his films. “I knew how he looked and I thought he was a weird-looking man, confused little soul. I went on Twitter and said, ‘From now on my name’s Roman’, and my blogs went crazy. My Barbs went crazy. They cried and said, Nicki don’t change your name, we don’t want to call you Roman.

Why did Maraj turn into Minaj?

Somebody changed my name. One of the first production deals I signed, the guy wanted my name to be Minaj and I fought him tooth and nail. But he convinced me. I’ve always hated it.” You sense it’s the last fight she lost.

On her first album Pink Friday she was determined not to be dirty or boastful:

I wanted to prove the point that I didn’t have to rap about it. But I feel like now, my fans speak like that, and I don’t have to walk round being a goddamned prude. And my music doesn’t need to sound like a prude unless I’m doing a pop song.” She says the word “pop” breathily, ironically.

Nicki Minaj On Wanting To Work With Adele, Making Dance Records, Ice Age 4 and More


Nicki Minaj on The Graham Norton Show

Nicki’s still on her UK excursion, and the other popped a squat on Graham Norton’s couch. She discussed deleting her Twitter,  Super Bowl performance, the meaning of “Beez In The Trap” and more.

Nicki Minaj Speaks On Why She Deleted Her Twitter Page

Things have been kind of crazy for Nicki every since she deleted her Twitter page, leaving her 11 million followers wondering why.

Behind The Scenes: “HYFR” w/ DRAKE & LIL WAYNE

Tyga’s Careless World Tour (Episode 4)

In this weeks episode of Tyga’s Careless World Tour, we get a chance to hear some of Tyga’s fans as they speak about when they first became fans of his music, DJ Ill Will on his rise to fame, Alex Nazari talking about directing his music videos, and Tyga’s producer and engineer Jess Jackson speaking on how songs like “For The Fame“, “Muthafucka Up” and “Rack City“ came about.

Nicki Minaj Shuts Reporter Down After Being Asked About Her ‘Pop’ Music

Nicki Minaj sat down with E! News correspondent Alicia Quarles backstage at the Nokia Lumia 3000 event in Times Square last weekend and discussed a variety of topics. Throughout the interview Nicki held onto quite an attitude but there was one question that obviously ticked her off and she let it be known.

Fashion: Nicki Minaj

Ladies if you can purchase Nicki Minaj’s outfit from her infamous “Beez In The Trap” video here.




Nicki Minaj on ABC’s Nightline

Nicki sat down with Juju Chang of ABC’s Nightline this evening to discuss her rise to fame in the last 5 years, Lady Gaga comparisons, performing with Madonna, her lyrics and more.